Three (2006 film)

Three sometimes stylized Thr3e is a 2006 film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Ted Dekker. It was directed by Roby Henseon.

Kevin Parson Marc Blucas is a seminary theology student. Kevin has recently completed the third draft of his thesis about the nature of good and evil. One day, he receives a phone call from R.K., demanding that he confess some unspecified sin, or his car will explode. He also tells Kevin a riddle What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls? The answer is night and day. Puzzled at what sin he means and the riddle, Kevin quickly escapes from the car before the explosion. He informs the police, among them Jennifer, but leaves out the part about the sin the killer demanded he confess, believing that the sin is what he did some time ago.Back at his home, he meets up with his friend since childhood, Samantha Sheer Laura Jordan. They decide to try to figure out the mystery of the Riddle Killer, who continues to target him, and who appears to be somehow able to monitor Kevin in his own home. Kevin receives a threat against his childhood dog, and goes to the house of his Aunt Balinda Priscilla Barnes, who abused him when he was a child. He fails to save his dog from a bomb. Kevin and Sam also find that his home has been broken into, and the papers of his thesis scattered around. They find a clue left by R.K. that a bus would be destroyed, and luckily manage to get everyone off in time. ........

Source: Wikipedia